Another article about how much money an author made on Medium, and unhelpful tips on how you can make money too

Emily Caine
3 min readJun 5, 2021
Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

I don’t like to brag, that’s not really my style. I do love to rub my success into people’s faces though, just like all the other authors on Medium who post articles about how much money they made writing on Medium.

Did you know we have daily meetings to discuss whose turn it is to write about how much money they made on Medium? And guess what? It’s finally my turn! I get to write yet another humble article about how I turned my hobby into a career! Yay!

I’ve sure you’ve read dozen of articles like this one. You know the articles that all say the exact same crap only with different numbers plugged into it? The ones that claim that that reader can make money too, but the author doesn't actually tell you anything other than they put in a lot of effort and somehow got lucky? Well, I hope your not too tired of those articles yet, because I’m dying to tell you how I put in a lot of effort, got lucky, and made money off of Medium.

I must say that I was shocked that I made the amount of money that I did with the articles that I published on this platform. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I definitely wasn’t expecting to take home the money that I did. To say I was flabbergasted is an understatement.

Are you ready to hear how much money I have made from writing articles on Medium?

Here it goes! Remember try not to be jealous. Everyone has their time in the sun — is that the saying? Or is it ‘everyone has their time to shine’? I guess I could google it, but it’s not really worth the effort.

Okay, I got off track. Let’s try again.

This is how much I have made writing on Medium, down the to the cent:


Isn’t that amazing? 6 cents! Wow!

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported me in this journey.

Thank you, Mom, for letting me sleep on your living room floor while I pursued my dream of ‘getting rich quick’ on Medium. Maybe now that you see that I can actually make money off of here, you will let me move onto the couch.

Thank you, Carl, for always being willing to listen to ideas for articles as you dropped off the mail every morning. Maybe now that you see I’m a success, you’ll stop handing me envelopes with the words “Last Notice” written on them, and go to the roller rink with me on Sundays. I know you have those days off.

And finally, I want to thank myself. I knew that if I put in a small amount of effort I could use Medium to get rich. I’m glad I quit my six-figure job that really wasn’t that bad, to pursue my dream of writing for, like, 1 hour a week. I knew I could do it!

I know, you are probably jealous, but don’t be! There is no reason that you can’t make $0.06 off writing on Medium! I’ll show you my strategies so that you too can be a success.

First step: writing an article. It can be about anything. This is the article that gave me my success. I owe it all to this baby right here:

Second Step: the waiting game. It took me 4 months to make that whopping $0.06! It’s okay if you aren’t making a lot of money at first. Just wait. I’m sure you will eventually make $0.06! Just have faith.

Third step: spend the money you made! Now is the fun part! I went out and bought a candy bar to celebrate. The candy bar actually cost more than $0.06, so I’m technically in debt. But that doesn’t matter! I’m sure in another 4 months I will make another 6 cents. And if I keep up that pattern I will have my candy bar paid off in, I don’t know, 5 years? I’m bad at math.

So there you have it! That is how much I made off of Medium and how you can too!



Emily Caine

My name is Emily! I’m currently studying education. In my free time I enjoy going to the beach and, of course, writing.